Expert Care

We worked for years developing services for international students, specifically with regards to retention purposes and improving the admission process. In addition, we acted as advisors for international students to help them define and implement proactive strategies that helped keep them on track to fulfill their educational goals. We have designed a strategy based on these experiences. Metaphorically speaking, we conduct our strategy as bees build a hive. All should be involved, all working toward one goal: to build a safe home. The bee thinks about its future, builds a safe home, and saves food for future generations. We felt the advising process at GSCC should be like that system where everyone considers the future and the need for a safer place to live both for ourselves and our kin or neighbors. Our team is composed of people with multicultural backgrounds, so they designed the strategy specifically to help students excel and succeed in their goals.

Simply put, GSCC is the answer of the formula S2.

We help internationals students attain a Safe place and the best and most appropriate Services.


Dr. HazimCoordinator, Outreach Marketing and International Partners
Dr. Hazim has worked for many years as an advisor for international students in American universities. One of his duties is to define and implement proactive strategies that help international students stay on track to fulfill their educational goals.